# About NumberDekho

NumberDekho’s Digital Triumph with Mariox

NumberDekho, a revolutionary startup, aims to bridge the gap between consumers and home services vendors across India. The vision is to connect consumers with vendors instantly in real-time to address their household needs within 30 minutes. Moreover, it's about creating a safe and secure platform that enhances local trade through efficient house services.

Their diverse service categories include Electricians, Plumbers, TV repairers, Air conditioner technicians, Refrigerator repairers, Pest Controlers, House cleaning, Home appliance repair and maintenance, and others. Through its official website and robust mobile application, it has acquired a leading presence in the digital world.


booking model screenshot numberdekho

The Challenges

Numberdekho Case study

The Solutions We Curated

Mariox Software inspected NumberDekho's former position and collated the areas for improvement.

NumberDekho Case Study App Screenshoot

The Results:

With the shift in the complete digital landscape of NumberDekho, Mariox web, and app development services have been a drastic game changer in boosting daily bookings and increasing ROI.

  • Previously, NumberDekho struggled to onboard vendors and acquire valuable bookings. Today, bookings for multiple services have increased by 60%, and this number is proliferating every day.
  • From 0 to a 40% increase in the conversion rate, NumberDekho has covered a measurable milestone. People enjoy using NumberDekho’s website and application due to its credibility, responsiveness, quick booking, and multiple payment features.
  • Instant user-vendor connectivity enabled NumberDekho to offer an exceptional user experience and increased consumer satisfaction.
  • Optimizing the vendor onboarding workflow has simplified the steps for service providers to sign up for their primary offerings, complete KYC, and commence operations as authenticated vendors.
Numberdekho Case study